
De Holland Cup wordt als open competitie verreden onder auspiciën van de UCI.

Dutch (Pro) Continental teams, foreign Continental teams, max. 2 foreign (Pro) Continental teams, national selections, district teams and both Dutch and foreign clubs can participate in this competition. This is according to the guidelines of the UCI as described in art. 201.005 of the UCI regulations.


Teams and clubs cannot directly register to participate in the Holland Cup. An accreditation request will have to be submitted for participation via Cycling Service 'per' course. It can be assumed that a Dutch continental team, all Holland Cup allowed to race. Clubs will have to opt for a wildcard.

Prize money:

There is no separate prize schedule for the Holland Cup. The payment of regular prize money goes through Cycling Service and goes according to the - by the UCI prescribed - schedule, valid for a UCI 1.2 race. It is possible that material prizes will be awarded to the (final) winners.


Transponders are required for all competitions. KNWU licence holders drive with their own transponder - registered with the KNWU. The KNWU jury provides transponders for the foreign riders.

Plumage composition:

In all races there will be a maximum of 25 teams consisting of a maximum of 7 and a minimum of 5 riders. These teams can be composed of riders belonging to the category Elite and Promises (U23) with and without contract.


Per wedstrijd wordt aan de hand van de wedstrijduitslag een competitieklassement opgemaakt voor het ploegenklassement, individueel algemeen klassement en beste jongere/U23.

Individual ranking:

The competition classification for individual riders is established by drawing up an individual classification, based on the race results of the riders participating in the race. According to the scoring scheme below, the riders in the results of the race will receive points. The winner will be the rider who has obtained the most points after all the races in which he participates within the framework of this competition. At the end of each league game, an intermediate score is made up and the rider in charge of this intermediate score receives a leader's jersey. The leader's jersey must not be worn on a course.

The points for the individual ranking will be awarded per race as follows;

1st place 100 points 16th place 16 points

2nd place 80 points 17th place 14 points

3rd place 70 points 18th place 13 points

4th place 60 points 19th place 12 points

5th place 50 points 20th place 11 points

6th place 40 points 21st place 10 points

7th place 36 points 22nd place 9 points

8th place 32 points 23th place 8 points

9th place 30 points 24th place 7 points

10th place 28 points 25th place 6 points

11th place 26 points 26th place 5 points

12th place 24 points 27th place 4 points

13th place 22 points 28th place 3 points

14th place 20 points 29th place 2 points

15th place 18 points 30th place 1 point

In case several riders finished with an equal number of points in the classification, the classification will be determined by the points obtained in the last league match. After each match, an intermediate score will be drawn up. All participating riders will participate in the classification regardless of their nationality.

Jongerenklassement (U23)
Het competitieklassement voor beloften komt tot stand door opmaken van een individueel klassement, gebaseerd op de wedstrijduitslag van de aan de wedstrijd deelnemende renners. De behaalde punten in de wedstrijduitslag worden doorberekend in het individueel jongeren klassement. Volgens het puntenschema (zie individueel klassement) ontvangen de in de wedstrijduitslag voorkomende U-23 renners punten. Winnaar wordt die renner, die de meeste punten behaald in alle wedstrijden waarvan in het kader deze competitie wordt deelgenomen. Na afloop van elke competitiewedstrijd wordt een tussenstand opgemaakt en de renner die de leiding heeft in deze tussenstand ontvangt een leiderstrui van het jongerenklassement. De leiderstrui mag niet in koers gedragen worden. In geval in het klassement meerdere renners met een gelijk aantal punten eindigen, wordt het klassement bepaald door de in de laatste competitiewedstrijd behaalde punten. Na iedere wedstrijd zal een tussenstand worden opgemaakt. Alle deelnemende renners doen mee in het klassement ongeacht nationaliteit.

De punten voor het jongerenklassement worden per wedstrijd als volgt toegekend:

1st place 100 points 16th place 16 points

2nd place 80 points 17th place 14 points

3rd place 70 points 18th place 13 points

4th place 60 points 19th place 12 points

5th place 50 points 20th place 11 points

6th place 40 points 21st place 10 points

7th place 36 points 22nd place 9 points

8th place 32 points 23th place 8 points

9th place 30 points 24th place 7 points

10th place 28 points 25th place 6 points

11th place 26 points 26th place 5 points

12th place 24 points 27th place 4 points

13th place 22 points 28th place 3 points

14th place 20 points 29th place 2 points

15th place 18 points 30th place 1 point

In case several riders finished with an equal number of points in the classification, the classification will be determined by the points obtained in the last league match. After each match, an intermediate score will be drawn up. All participating riders will participate in the classification regardless of their nationality.


The results will be drawn up by the KNWU jury, after which they will be processed on the online platform of the KNWU. Holland Cup namely Here you can see the intermediate and final ranking of the team classification and the individual ranking in the Holland Cup.

Winnaars Holland Cup

The winner of the team classification of the Holland Cup is the team that is first in the team classification of the Holland Cup.

The winner of the individual ranking of the Holland Cup is the riders who, after the last race, are first in the individual ranking of the Holland Cup.

Shift trucks:

A maximum of 25 team leader's cars will be admitted to the caravan. One per shift. The order of the team leader's cars is determined by drawing lots during the team leader's meeting, as described in the UCI regulations. This means that no account is taken of the positions in the Holland Cup.


In every Holland Cup match, at least 3 wildcards can be obtained by Dutch clubs and/or district teams. The registration fee of € 200,- excl. VAT will be paid to the Foundation. Holland Cup. The organizer may award a maximum of 1 wildcard to a club that is exempted from paying the entry fee for whatever reason. The application and registration for a wildcard is done via Cycling Service. The veto for choice remains with the organizer of the competition.

Explanation Joker Wildcard:

If a club has been given a starting opportunity on the basis of a wildcard, it will be able to Holland Cup course and then the leader's jersey, then this club gets in the next Holland Cup automatically heading for a new wildcard. The only condition is that this club also sets up the rider in the leader's jersey and actually brings him to the start. At the same time, the obligation to pay the € 200,- excl. VAT for the wildcard to the Foundation remains unchanged. Holland Cup.